mercredi 5 août 2009

What part of no don't you understand?

I Watched the Channel 5 programme about puppy farms last night. If you missed it, you can see it here: or on the Channel 5 website. Part 2 is on tonight so I hope you will all make a huge effort to watch it.

The nice reporter who presented it has a blog. You can read that here:

It was terrible, every bit as bad as I thought. Things are being done – you can read about one here: But it simply isn't enough. And I was even more horrified when someone sent me this link:

I know, you've seen it all before, same pictures, same story, blah-de-blah. But please look at the dateline on that article. That's right, it's 1997. So just how long has this appalling state of affairs been going on, and precisely what are you human beans doing about it?

Bordaire collees are smart and can count. So I know that's at least 12 years. So that's two lifetimes for poor breeding bitches who are allowed to breed for 6 years. Imagine how many puppies that makes.

It seems that the puppy farms featured, who were all legal in that they held licenses, get to keep their licences: Can that be right? And I've been told that councils: “not only license these breeders they defend them to the hilt by restricting RSPCA access.”

I'm still waiting to hear if that's true. I sent a Tweet to my friends at the RSPCA but haven't yet had their reply. I'll update you when I do. Because that's even more worrying.

I'm a dog, so I don't understand what happened to the word “no” among you humans. If councils really haven't got the resources to regulate these places properly, why do they licence them? Why don't the public get on their back legs and say no, enough is enough, this is not right. We don't want to be part of a society that does this to its animals.

Breeding a healthy, pedigree dog costs a lot of money. There are proper health checks to be made on both parents, and the puppies. There's registration, and vaccination and all the rest of it. So if you want to buy a puppy you can be sure will be healthy and safe to be amongst your children, it is going to cost you hundreds of pounds.

If it doesn't cost that much, you need to be asking yourself why. Then look at those pictures, and you'll have your answer.

You need to be contacting your MP and saying no, this is not right, it must stop. We all need to be educating children, because they are the hope of the future to say no, I don't want any part of this trade, I'd rather choose a dog from a dog's home than support puppy farming.

Because believe me, us dogs home dogs are so grateful to be given a new chance in life, we make the most wonderful, loyal companions.

Please, everybody, do something. Don't make me bite you.


2 commentaires:

  1. Definitely disgraceful if Local Authorities are not allowing welfare charities access to these farms. If true, I do not know what their motive is, maybe the cost implications, within already stretched resources, to manage and inspect these licenced premises.

    I hope that anyone wanting to buy a puppy will consider doing the following.

    Telephone the number, say Do you still have a puppy, if they ask which breed, put the fone down. Highly likely this is a puppy farm. Do NOT visit as compassion and heart ruling head will make you take a puppy, thereby making you an accomplice to these dreadful practices.

  2. Merci. That is such very sensible advice. I do hope all human beans will take notice of it.
